Professional and Ethical Conduct

These ethical guidelines are a set of principles for the professional behaviour and practices of those who are Institute of Collaborative Management Accredited Practitioners.

"As an Institute of Collaborative Management Practitioner, I commit to these Ethical Guidelines. I will..."

* Strive to use the Institute of Collaborative Management tools with the highest professional standards and in a dignified manner.

* Provide feedback on individual behavioural maps in a non-judgemental way and focus on its developmental aspects.

* Commit to my on-going professional development.

* Actively pursue aligning my personal behaviour with the constructive styles.

* Treat people with dignity as independent and equal human beings in the course of undertaking Institute of Collaborative Management programmes.

* Debrief a client’s report interactively and not send a participant’s report to them prior to their feedback session.

* Respect that the client’s feedback is confidential to the client and I will not disclose it to any other parties without the express permission of the client.

* Use the Institute of Collaborative Management tools in the capacity of a performance coach, as per my Institute of Collaborative Management Accreditation qualifications (other qualifications may allow me to use the tools in a greater capacity - e.g. as a psychologist - where appropriate).

* Respect the intellectual property ownership of Institute of Collaborative Management and others.

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